Monday, September 19, 2005

A little Note on Katrina relief

Right now, my Katrina thoughts are still a poorly organized, warm-core system in the mid-Atlantic. But, here's something from today's Note:

Democrats still have the same quality of leadership and political acumen from Leaders Pelosi and Reid (and Chairman Dean) and the same number of positive, clear agenda items to offer the American people.

Nearly every Democrat in Congress is still on the merits in favor of not just stopping the extension of some of the Bush tax cuts, but is in favor of rolling many others back — but they are still afraid to say so and unable to make their case, despite the fact that polls (continue to) show public opinion on their side.


Blogger Bravo 2-1 said...

That quip comes from ABC's The Note, and yes it is mockery of the Dem leadership. Mockery they deserve. As for the polls, I saw one this weekend saying that either diverted Iraq revenue (45 %) or taxes (25 %) should be used fund Katrina relief. Most every poll I have seen since the middle of the Iraq war, since 2004, calls for an increase in taxes -- actually, repealing Bush's cuts.

The Dems are failures when it comes to producing a positive agenda. It's like they are scared. I feel like a Whig in 1850... :-/

12:08 PM  
Blogger zen said...

I happen to agree with adopting a more liberal agenda. If you were to list the issues out and poll each one, you'd find that most people lean liberal on the issues.

It's perception and word game spin that the Dems do so lousy with. Credit the right wing smear machine. Is it time for a party split? maybe. But it will never happen. Dems are always made up of various factions and find complete unity very elusive. Perhaps the anti-Bush drumbeat is what is keeping some semblance of party unity. Unquestionably they need more than that to be successful. With the piss poor performance of Bush, Dems need to step up.

EC: did you catch the Note bit about Rove's "wide-ranging applicable experience is helping to oversee the Katrina response" What a joke.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Bravo 2-1 said...

Bassizzzt, I am a Democrat -- but a disenchanted one. I backed Clark and think John Kerry is a stooge.

I think some liberally inspired policies could be good for the country, and so is a vocal and positive opposition. Big government in the LBJ-Germany models do not work. But, we have to be careful that personal accounts such as Bush's do not to foster the same economic injustices we see so clearly after Katrina. School vouchers will not help the very poor if they have no way to get the kids to school... Or if the vouchers do not cover the entirety of a good, private education. The problems are complex and require a number of different approaches. I want to write more about this tonight.

Zen, I agree. That Note comment puzzled me a little. Sometimes they do not explain themselves that well. Though, I love when they taunt Rush.

Carlos Watson made the point that Obama has experience at organizing city commissions.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Bravo 2-1 said...

It's always interesting to read about the political evolution of someone.

The nice aspect to American politics is that your opinions can shift depending on leaders and policies. We're not quite optimates or populares.

9:51 AM  

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