Friday, October 27, 2006

Word play

A linguist offers some interesting points in today's New York Times:
To fully understand why the president’s change in linguistic strategy won’t work, it’s helpful to consider why “stay the course” possesses such power. The answer lies in metaphorical thought.

Metaphors are more than language; they can govern thought and behavior. A recent University of Toronto study, for example, demonstrated the power of metaphors that connect morality and purity: People who washed their hands after contemplating an unethical act were less troubled by their thoughts than those who didn’t, the researchers found.

“Stay the course” is a particularly powerful metaphor because it can activate so many of our emotions. Because physical actions require movement, we commonly understand action as motion. Because achieving goals so often requires going to a particular place — to the refrigerator to get a cold beer, say — we think of goals as reaching destinations.

Another widespread — and powerful — metaphor is that moral action involves staying on a prescribed path, and straying from the path is immoral. In modern conservative discourse, “character” is seen through the metaphor of moral strength, being unbending in the face of immoral forces. “Backbone,” we call it.

In the context of a metaphorical war against evil, “stay the course” evoked all these emotion-laden metaphors. The phrase enabled the president to act the way he’d been acting — and to demonstrate that it was his strong character that enabled him to stay on the moral path.

To not stay the course evokes the same metaphors, but says you are not steadfast, not morally strong. In addition, it means not getting to your destination — that is, not achieving your original purpose. In other words, you are lacking in character and strength; you are unable to “complete the mission” and “achieve the goal.”

“Stay the course” was for years a trap for those who disagreed with the president’s policies in Iraq. To disagree was weak and immoral. It meant abandoning the fight against evil. But now the president himself is caught in that trap. To keep staying the course, given obvious reality, is to get deeper into disaster in Iraq, while not staying the course is to abandon one’s moral authority as a conservative. Either way, the president loses.

And if the president loses, does that mean the Democrats will win? Perhaps. But if they do, it will be because of Republican missteps and not because they’ve acted with strategic brilliance. Their “new direction” slogan offers no values and no positive vision. It is taken from a standard poll question, “Do you like the direction the nation is headed in?”

This is a shame. The Democrats are giving up a golden opportunity to accurately frame their values and deepest principles (even on national security), to forge a public identity that fits those values — and perhaps to win more close races by being positive and having a vision worth voting for.

Right now, though, no language articulating a Democratic vision seems in the offing. If the Democrats don’t find a more assertive strategy, their gains will be short-lived.


Blogger Chuck said...

I know a lot of Democrats and most of them are pretty much middle of the roaders just like most Republicans. The problem for both parties are the extremes.

The Democrats have allowed the extreme left to become the face of the party with people like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid being the voices of that wing.

The Republicans were, until recently, allowing the extreme right to be their public face with the Jerry Falwells, and some other religeous nuts whose names I can't remember being the voice.

The big difference in the two parties is that the Republicans have swung back toward the center while the Democrats continue to swing left.

Like a pendulum the two parties will continue to swing left and right, out of sync with each other and occassionally meeting in the middle. Those are the best times, when both parties are passing in the center.

As the old saying goes "its not the pendulum swinging to and fro, but the essence that drives it that makes us go".

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you like the direction the nation is headed in?

Well...instead we could go back to the old Reagan standard: "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"


11:30 AM  

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