Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hamas' victory

Liberal bloggers would be (and shall be) foolish to call this anything but troubling news. This is not about George W. Bush -- who has mismanaged foreign policy in dangerous ways. This is about a crucial peace process coming unglued before our eyes.

My hope is that majority status will sober Hamas, New York Times story. My fear is that the secret/not-so-secret U.S. aide to Fatah will weaken diplomatic efforts to the contrary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal media should stop refering to groups such as CAIR and MCB by their real names and should preface all reference to them as American Hating Extremists Uncapable of Change Group #xxx. And, give every group a number, that way we can prove to the American people that terrorists are no longer people.

Example: The only way that peace was ever found, even if only temporary, was to wage unconditional war on the sympathetic Irish population of Northern Ireland. Terrorists of any sort and any ethnicity have no logic and do not understand reason; they are like mad cows- a problem that can only be cured by extermination elsewise they will propagate without end.

We need a five year plan to end terrorism. During this time the liberal media should shut up about civil liberties crap and accept that this is a war. If not, put them in jail for five years. We will take five years and wipe out terrorism around the world with a force history will remember. After this time we can return to the soft "everyone is important" hugging feeling only this time the world will really be a safe place. These five years of determination will pay off and it won't take long for people to figure out this was the real way to defeat terrorism. How many more 9/11s does the world need to see that terrorists are everywhere?

9:02 PM  

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